Tyler Hendricks is the host of Big Fish Stories. He is an avid hunter, fisherman and Outdoorsman…

as a hunter…

Tyler has grown up in the mountain of Idaho, hunting mule deer and elk. Starting at the age of 11, Tyler hunted with his father and gained a love for the outdoors and the wildlife.

Tyler speaks up for hunting ethics and fair treatment of wildlife while also openly admitting to mistakes made in the past. “Hunting is not perfect. Sometimes it can be messy, but we should aspire to make the cleanest shots we can for the animals we love.”


as a fisherman…

Tyler started out trout fishing on the Big Wood River. His first fish was a 18 in rainbow trout at the age of 5. He was instantly “hooked.”

He fished multiple days a week along the river or in the local reservoir catching rainbows and browns, day and night. Finally in his 20’s he was introduced to bass fishing and has become obsessed.

Every fishing trip has become a chance to catch the next PB smallmouth!